PARSgram 2021-10-04


It’s hard to believe but the calendar has turned over another page and

it’s now October.  The weather is much more comfortable for doing

antenna work, and we are moving into the contest season.  I know some

hams dislike contests and contesters, and some of that may be justified,

but I think the larger ham radio community fails to recognize the value

of contesting beyond the competitive aspects.  They figure it’s not

worth the time, expense, and effort because only a handful of the

hundreds or thousands of participants score near the top.  But contests

offer great opportunities to develop and sharpen your operating skills,

improve your station, increase your code speed, learn how to get the

most out of your radio, understand how your antenna systems work with

respect to distance and direction, add needed contacts for various

awards, enhance your knowledge of propagation, and, well, the list goes

on and on.  And don’t be shy about submitting your log.  It’s always fun

to see your call in the results wherever they are published, and the

logs are useful for score checking by the organizers.  I quit

competitive contesting a quarter century ago, but I still work several

contests every year, even if it’s only for an hour or two.  …_._ de

WM3X, Bill Michne, 252-249-1175,



Within a few days, ARRL members in the Roanoke Division will receive

their ballots to decide who will become the next Division Director. This

is a particularly important election that will help determine the future

direction of the ARRL. The ballots were to be mailed on October 1, 2021.

They must be completed and returned by Friday, November 19th. Please do

not wait until the last minute. Due to their recent changes the USPS

expects First Class letter delivery to take up to five days.


The candidates for our Director are the incumbent, George “Bud”

Hippisley, W2RU, of Penhook, Virginia, and challengers James Boehner,

N2ZZ, of Aiken, South Carolina, and Marvin Hoffman, WA4NC, of Boone,

North Carolina.


Last month as reported in last week’s PARSgram, those at our meeting via

Zoom PARS heard from Dr. Boehner. Dr. Boehner’s positions on what he

considers to be the major issues are on his qrz web page Marvin Hoffman, our NC Section Director, also has

significant concerns regarding the future of the ARRL. He has outlined

his considerable experience and his concerns on his qrz page and summarized them on his personal web page Mr. Hippisley addresses his candidacy for

reelection at


We urge each of our members to take the time to review the information

offered by the candidates, decide who you think will be able to best

improve amateur radio for all of us, and then vote.  –Jim, AI4WL, ed.



From Bruce Perkins, K4ONC, Pamlico AuxComm Coordinator–


Pamlico County AuxComm Coordinator Bruce Perkins, K4ONC, called the PCT

meeting to order at 0905 hours on Saturday, October 2, 2021 at the

Florence-Whortonsville Fire Department. Including myself, eleven local

amateur radio operators were in attendance; Lor Kutchins, W3QA, Pamlico

County Dep. AUXC Coordinator; Gary Mitchelson, NC3Z, COML; Jim

Hartmeyer, AI4WL; Wayne Mulligan, K1CBI; Ben Barnett, KI4NSO; Matthew

Barnett, KN4RWC; Bill Olah, KR4LO; Joe Lupton, N4IBX; Kathryn Hitchcock,

KO4SVO; and Paul Manganaro, KO4MHM.


Everyone introduced themselves and provided their amateur radio

background and experiences. After the intros, the purpose of the PCT and

our expectations for the future were explained and discussed. That the

PCT was inclusive of all levels and expertise of amateur radio

operators. We are here primarily to learn and foster Emergency

Communications (EMCOM) within Pamlico County and along the way learn

from each other and have fun doing so. Further, I mentioned that the

weekly Wednesday night NET was in transition from just a RagChew to more

emphasis on training and EMCOM, and everyone was invited to participate.


From there the discussion turned to Lor Kutchins, who related to the

group the recent tower climb at the W4SLH repeater site. The 440Mhz

antenna was replaced with a new (used) DB-408 440 antenna on a

stand-off, at approx 252’. The final check of this antenna showed a

1.5:1 SWR. Future plans are to add a DMR 440 repeater to that antenna

and connect to the EHPC NC4ES network, similar to what we currently have

at the Florence-Whortonsville Fire Department.


The other tower work included reconnecting the feed line with a new

jumper and connector to the 220Mhz repeater control antenna. The old

jumper and connector had been separated from that antenna and just

hanging on a guy wire. However, after the reconnect, a direct short was

located approx. 25’ from the repeater. It was determined that water had

entered the feedline. Additional work is to be completed to ascertain if

that coax is usable.


Additional discussion centered around DMR (Digital Mobile Radios) with

Lor, Gary and Jim showing the operation of their DMR HT’s in relation to

the NC4ES Dashboard.


Lor, Gary and I then discussed future training ideas and asked for input

from the group. The expectations are we will present a six month

training calendar to cover a varied assortment of topics. In addition,

Lor mentioned that he is currently working on an exercise that will

include the Eastern Branch Coordination Center in Kinston and Pamlico



The meeting ended with a show and tell of a couple “Go Kits” that can be

used for EMCOM Exercises and Incidents.


Meeting adjourned at 12 noon.


The next Pamlico Communication Team meeting is scheduled for Saturday,

November 6, 2021 at 0900 hrs at the Florence-Whortonsville FD. If the

PCT sounds like something you would be interested in, please join us.


Bruce Perkins – K4ONC

Pamlico AUXC Coordinator







NOAA reported solar activity was low during the 24 hour period ending

yesterday at 5 p.m. local. The largest solar event was a C1 event at

03/0722Z.  There are three NOAA reported numbered sunspot regions on the

Sun facing Earth this morning. The Prediction Center expects solar

activity to be very low through Wednesday.  On Sunday the observed Solar

Flux Index (SFI) at Penticton was 86. (Last Sunday it was 86.) The index

is predicted to measure 88 today, tomorrow and on Wednesday. The SFI 90

day trailing average is 82.


The Earth’s geomagnetic field was quiet yesterday. NOAA expects

conditions to be quiet today, then quiet to unsettled Tuesday and

Wednesday. The estimated Kp-index of 1 reported at 8 a.m. local this

morning reflects our current quiet geomagnetic conditions.


We can expect fair to good operating conditions today on 80 and 40

meters, fair on 30 and 20, and poor on the higher bands, no change from

last Monday. The VHF bands are expected to remain quiet. reported yesterday, Sunday, that the sunspot counts for

September were the highest in five years. Their experts also note that

that for the 11th month in a row the sunspot number has been

significantly higher than predicted. These numbers indicate a stronger

cycle than predicted and with an earlier peak than expected, perhaps in

late 2024 instead of Fall 2025.


For an explanation of the numbers used in our PARSgram, see the

excellent article written by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA at



For listing in the PARSgram send me your amateur radio related items

that are for sale, trade, or wanted. PLEASE let me know when you have

have sold your item or your listing is no longer needed.  Listings will

EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS unless I hear otherwise.–Jim.



I have some significant health issues recently and desire to sell the

remaining ham gear.  I have a used but working Icom IC7000 and the LDG

LT-100 Autotuner, also a VHF SWR meter, and several antennas. Priced at

whatever is fair.

But I have a special request along with this:

I have a 135′ longwire fed with twin line between two trees in front and

side yards. The antenna has been lowered slightly for wind resistance.

When it was installed, I had stainless pulleys arranged with parachute

cord on the trees so that the system could be lowered. The twin line

goes to a balun that is mounted on the roof, thence to a coaxial feed

line that connects at the side of the home.  There is also a 2 meter/440

J-pole antenna mounted on the roof on a tripod mount.  I’d like someone

(maybe the buyer?) to take these down, so that any risk of lightning

damage would be reduced.  The system is grounded and there is a long

feed-through on a window sill for the HF antenna, and the VHF runs

smaller coax through the window.  I put all this up a decade or so ago,

when I was able to do the work.

There is also a J-pole on my shop building behind the home that would

be available. The building is lower, so there would not be as much risk.

A small metal roof shed just behind the shop has a mobile mount with a

102″ whip plus an extension that was resonant on about 17 meters.

Available, just leave the part of the mount that covers the hole in the

roof of the shed.

Jim Cason, AC4JC, phone 252 636 0407, email, 4703

Carolina Avenue, Trent Woods, NC 28562 (20211003)


* For Sale: Icom IC-746PRO HF plus 6 and 2 meters, SSB, AM, FM, CW 100

watt transceiver.  Tested for full power output on all bands. Includes

hand mic and original manual.  $500, plus shipping if necessary.  This

radio was donated to PARS, and proceeds will go to the club.  Contact

Bill Michne, WM3X, 252-249-1175 or 252-671-6703,




* Oct 30, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village

Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bill Michne, WM3X,

252-249-1175 or

* Nov 27, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village

Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bill Michne, WM3X,

252-249-1175 or



*  Wednesdays, Pamlico Communications Net (ARES), 7:30 pm, Oriental

Repeater, 147.210 + (PL151.4).

*  Thursdays, “DownEast/Pamlico Six Meter Net”, 8 pm local, 50.200 MHz,

USB. A non-directed open net to promote operation on the ‘Magic Band’.

(For more nets see )



Our Web Master is Paul Jodoin, K4MMB, 561-308-3456,



Videos of recorded PARS Meetings, presentations, and club activities can

be viewed on on the N4PRS Radio YouTube Channel:



The PARSgram is a weekly email publication for members of the Pamlico

Amateur Radio Society (PARS), an association of amateur radio operators

located in, near, or from Pamlico County, North Carolina.  The PARSgram

contains announcements and information about current and planned

activities of the Society and other items of specific interest to its

members.  Except to summarize information related to Solar Activity and

announce expeditions of amateur radio operators to unique distant

places, special event stations, and contests, it does not generally

repeat information available elsewhere. The PARSgram offers a means to

make known to its subscribers radio equipment and other related items

for sale or trade.  Since PARS members may have limited internet access,

the PARSgram has no attachments and kept relatively short.  Log on to

the PARS Website at for longer news articles,

photos, archived PARSgrams and more. We are always looking for items of

specific interest to our members to put in the PARSgram.  If you run

across a timely item or think of something you think would interest our

folks, please send it to me at  (20181105)


73, Jim AI4WL

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