PARSgram 2021-10-25

Our next meeting will be at 0900 this Saturday, October 30th at
Brantley’s Village Restaurant on Broad Street in Oriental. Please park
on the side or out back. This is a very important meeting. With the
election of officers, those members present will decide on the direction
your PARS will take in the year ahead. Our meetings are held the last
Saturday of each month except June when the club participates in the
annual ARRL Field Day or when in conflict with a major holiday. We hope
to see you all there. For more information contact Pamlico Amateur Radio
Society President Bill Michne, WM3X, 249-1175 or

Well, my third harmonics and the associated high energy exposure and
local QRM has faded in the general direction of the auroras. XYL N2JBR
and I expect to achieve full recovery in time for their next visit.
Meanwhile, we may just head in their direction before too long. _…_
By now all of you who are members of the ARRL and live in the Roanoke
Division should have received your ballot in the mail for voting for the
position of Director. The Directors determine the policies and actions
of the League in relation to the FCC, thereby influencing the future
direction of amateur radio. By voting, you will be helping to set those
policies. I urge you to vote, if you haven’t already, and to do so at
your earliest convenience, since the ballots are to be returned by mail,
and must arrive at the League before the deadline in order to be
counted. _…_ At the PARS meeting this Saturday we will hold our
annual election of officers. You must be present to vote, but you need
not be present to win. We will accept nominations from the floor. If
you have not served as a club officer, consider stepping up to it now.
…_._ de WM3X, Bill Michne, 252-249-1175,

The training for this Wednesday evening’s Pamlico Communications Net
will be a review of last weeks “2 meter Simplex Exercise” and an
introduction to the “National Interoperability Field Operations Guide
Ver 2.0” or “NIFOG”. The NIFOG is a publication of the Department of
Homeland Security Office of Emergency Communications. This latest
version 2.0 was just published in August 2021 and is available for
download online.

You are asked to download the NIFOG and be prepared to answer the
following questions:
#1 – What is the NIFOG and what good is it for Emergency Communications?
#2 – What is the definition of SHARES?
#3 – How many CISA/FEMA Regions are there, and in what region is NC?
#4 – What does “ESF #2” stand for?

These questions are only to get you to look through the publication
prior to the NET and become familiar with the NIFOG. Don’t be
intimidated! This is a learning experience for all of us that I’m sure
you will enjoy.

Finally, part of the exercise is for you to find the NIFOG on your own
online. Remember to download Version 2.

I’ll be listening for you on Wednesday night @ 1930hrs on the Oriental
repeater N4ONC at 147.210MHz + (PL151.4)

Stay Safe and 73,

Bruce Perkins – K4ONC
Acting Net Control Operator
Pamlico Communications Net

Attention all PARS members. If you would like to join the Pamlico
Communications Team (PCT) in participating in a Communications Exercise,
now is your chance. The Eastern Healthcare Preparedness Coalition (EHPC)
will be conducting a regional communications exercise (COMMEX) on
December 9th 2021 from 10am until 3pm. All healthcare emergency service
disciplines and auxiliary communications (AUXCOMM) to participate. This
will be a great opportunity to test redundant forms of communication
(phone, data, satellite, radio, etc.) with external partners. This
promises to be an enjoyable and positive learning experience. If you
have thought about becoming an auxiliary communicator (AUXC), now is
your chance to see what occurs. There will be a role for you to
participate from home, in the field or otherwise as planned by the EHPC
and the PCT.

A task list will be distributed to all participants to work through a
set of objectives. The plan is to start out simple and advance these
challenges each year as we identify gaps.

EHPC will be conducting (2) communication exercises yearly to challenge
regional partners with redundant communication methods. While the target
is focused on the EHPC region (Eastern NC), all communicators from
across the state are welcome.

For individuals wishing to participate, please sign on in TERMS. If you
do not have a TERMS account, please establish one. The link is included

If you are unable to open the link, you can easily locate it on the
TERMS calendar under exercises.

If you are interested in participating with members of the PCT, please
sign up on TERMS. Additional information will be made available as the
exercise gets closer.

Bruce Perkins – K4ONC
Pamlico Co AUXC Coordinator

Lor Kutchins – W3QA
Pamlico Co DEP AUXC Coordinator

NOAA reported solar activity was very low during the 24 hour period
ending yesterday at 5 p.m. local. There are three reported numbered
sunspot regions on the Sun facing Earth this morning. The Prediction
Center expects solar activity to be very low today through Wednesday but
with a chance for a C-class flare and perhaps a M-class flare each day.
On Sunday the observed Solar Flux Index (SFI) at Penticton was 93.
(Last Sunday it was 77.) The index is predicted to measure 94 today and
95 tomorrow and on Wednesday. The SFI 90 day trailing average remains 83.

The Earth’s geomagnetic field was quiet yesterday. NOAA expects
conditions to be quiet today and Tuesday, then quiet to unsettled on
Wednesday. The estimated Kp-index of 1 reported at 8 a.m. local this
morning reflects our current quiet geomagnetic conditions.

We can expect fair to good operating conditions today on 80 and 40
meters, good on 30 and 20, fair on the higher bands with the flux in the
mid-nineties. According to DXmaps, the VHF bands are active with mostly
meteor scatter and tropo contacts. There are a few Es contacts being
reported this morning.

For an explanation of the numbers used in our PARSgram, see the
excellent article written by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA at

For listing in the PARSgram send me your amateur radio related items
that are for sale, trade, or wanted. PLEASE let me know when you have
have sold your item or your listing is no longer needed. Listings will
EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS unless I hear otherwise.–Jim.

*NEW FOR SALE*: Yaesu FT-2000 from the estate of the original owner.
This is the 100 watt version. In evaluating this radio the frequency
display was found to be weak, and has been replaced with genuine Yaesu
parts. Otherwise, the radio is in full specification working order, and
includes the owner’s manual and associated schematic diagrams. It does
not include a microphone, but there are numerous commercial options.
$750. Prefer local pickup. Bill Michne, WM3X, 252-249-1175, (20211025)

* Oct 30, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village
Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bill Michne, WM3X,
252-249-1175 or
* Nov 27, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village
Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bill Michne, WM3X,
252-249-1175 or

* Wednesdays,”Pamlico Communications Net”, 7:30 pm local, Oriental
Repeater, 147.210 + (PL151.4).
* Thursdays, “DownEast/Pamlico Six Meter Net”, 8 pm local, 50.200 MHz,
USB. A non-directed open net to promote operation on the ‘Magic Band’.
(For more nets see )

Our Web Master is Paul Jodoin, K4MMB, 561-308-3456,

Videos of recorded PARS Meetings, presentations, and club activities can
be viewed on on the N4PRS Radio YouTube Channel:

73, Jim AI4WL
This email is sent to members and friends of the Pamlico Amateur Radio
Society. We are pleased that you asked to receive our weekly newsletter
and hope that you enjoy reading it. If you no longer wish to receive the
PARSgram please let us know by reply email or by email to

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