PARSgram 2022-11-28


Clear your calendar and mark the date!  It’s time to get those antennas

and radios ready to go. Everything is a “go” for the up-coming PARS Fox

Hunt this coming Saturday, December 3rd.  So far we have about 20 people

attending and 13 registered FOX hunters, including those working in

teams. 1st prize is a Sainlogic Weather Station and Console, 2nd prize

is a Comet GP-1 Dual Band 2M base station antenna, and 3rd prize is a

MFJ-108b digital dual LCD clock. It will be a 2 hour timed event with 5

minute staggered starts of three groups. Club members who still wish to

register should contact Dick Goodwin K4JJW, .

Everyone should gather at the Oriental Fire Station on Straight Rd. at

10:30 am to receive final instructions.  The Fox transmitter will be

turned on and the hunt will begin at 11:00 sharp. The last group will

finish at 1:10 pm.  After finishing, all hunters will return to the Fire

Station for a free picnic lunch and award of prizes at approximately

2:15 pm. Let’s all hope for nice weather and a great time.

–Dick Goodwin, K4JJW, Fox Hunt Coordinator



*  Nineteen PARS members, visitors and guests attended the 9 am Saturday

breakfast meeting chaired by President Mike Marsh, K4NLC, at Brantley’s

Village Restaurant.

*  No awards or upgrades were reported, however, Steve, KO4EDA, was

happy to let us know we will be seeing more of him in Pamlico County. He

is leaving the Craven School system to become the new LAN

Engineer/Manager for our Pamlico County Schools. Congratulations Steve!

*  Mike delivered the Treasurer’s report on behalf of Wally. Even after

reimbursing Dick, K4JJW, for FOX Hunt prizes we are still solvent.

*  Propagation Report:  Quiet sun. Activity has been very low for the

past few days, mostly low for the past month. That said, our little QRP

4W FT8 signal was heard by VK7OO this morning at 0720R on 20M. He’s

10,047 miles distant so that’s about 2571 miles per watt. The solar flux

90 day average is 133 vs 128 last month. Near term forecast is for good

conditions on 15-40 Meters, fair on 12 and 10.

*  ARES/Pamlico Communications Net: Mike reported 5 nets in November for

27.1 manhours. The net and our practice for emergencies will continue,

reporting manhours will not.

*  Bruce, announced the next Pamlico Communications Team meeting has

been cancelled to avoid impacting the Fox Hunt gathering. Look for a

meeting in January.

*  Mike reported that more effort on the new Arapahoe repeater took

place this month. Bill, KR4LO; Lor, W3QA, and other Oriental Repeater

Group members installed solar panels, batteries, and

controller/protective equipment and then moved it off the grid. [See

photos at–ed.]

*  Paul was away but left some stats on N4PRS Web page usage: In the

last 30 days there were 189 visitors who made 329 visits. Possibly most

were double checking their HT settings for the new Arapahoe repeater.

*  Bruce, K4ONC, early recipient of the December QST, ran through the

PARS member results in the 2022 ARRL Field Day “contest’. Mike, K4HPS,

topped the list for our folks in the most popular 1D (Home commercial

power) category with 255 QSO’s, 1070 points. Jim, AI4WL, made 207

contacts for 984 points in the 1E (Home Emergency Power) category. PARS

aggregated score from our seven players was 3403 points. [For the scores

go to


*  Mike thanked Bill Olah, KR4LO for hosting a most rewarding fox hunt

antenna building/attenuator assembling activity last Saturday [Nov 19th]

at his shop. Dick, K4JJW, had all the components ready to go and with

helpers supervised the effort. The actual fox hunt will be on Saturday,

December 3d.

*  Mike reported that Bill Michne’s C4FM Wires-X node is operational.

There have been several local users. Lots to be learned. This led to a

discussion on repeater operation if connected via the internet to

“rooms/reflectors/talk groups”–they are all basically the same thing.

Expect more on multi-protocol repeater operation in the coming meetings.

*  Our next meeting will be on New Years Eve morning, December 31st. It

will be brief in favor of the annual PARS Christmas ham radio related

gift exchange. [Be creative, keep it inexpensive, look for usable stuff

in your junk box.]

*  Steve, KO4EDA won the monthly drawing. He received a Brantley’s

Restaurant $20 gift certificate. Bill, KR4LO, won a PARS License Plate.

*  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:46 am.



NOAA reported that solar activity was very low during the 24 hour period

ending yesterday at 4 p.m. local. There are 4 numbered sunspot regions

on the Sun facing Earth this morning. There were 4 last Monday. The

Prediction Center expects solar activity to be low very today through

Wednesday. C-class flares are possible.


At the noon reading yesterday, the observed Solar Flux Index (SFI) at

Penticton was 107. Last Sunday it was 119. The index is predicted to

measure 105 today, 110 tomorrow and 115 on Wednesday. The SFI 90 day

trailing average was 131 yesterday, down two from last Sunday.


The Earth’s geomagnetic field was quiet to active yesterday. It is

expected to be quiet to unsettled today, unsettled to active tomorrow

and on Wednesday. The estimated Kp-index of 2.67 reported at 7 a.m.

local this morning indicated quiet geomagnetic conditions.


For today, we can expect fair to good operating conditions on the HF

bands 80 through 20, fair on 17 and 15, and poor on 12 and 10 meters.


For an explanation of the numbers used in our PARSgram, see the

excellent article written by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA at



For listing in the PARSgram send me your amateur radio related items

that are for sale, trade, or wanted. PLEASE let me know when you have

have sold your item or your listing is no longer needed. Listings will

EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS unless I hear otherwise.–Jim.


You want it, you got it. From Fred Rampey, KE0PZA, S/Y Magnolia: I am

about to recycle a large quantity of electronic gear that was partially

damaged by a lightning strike on my boat early this year. It includes

some still-current Raymarine stuff – Autopilot headend and actuator

controller/course computer, a C95 chart plotter w gps, AIS antenna mux,

2 Standard Horizon Marine VHFs (one works except for NMEA 0183

interface), an Icom 718 HF rig w AH-4 tuner (it powers up but has no rf

output power), and a 60 amp Outback solar charger. All of this is

partially damaged, most is not totally dead. Lots of good parts in there

though… Just thought I would check with the club before disposing of

all of this at the recycling center, in case there are any serious

DIY’ers in need of parts. Contact Fred at 970-481-1753 or


And from Danny Lupton, Greater Stonewall: I have an old Civil Defense

low band 30-50mhz base radio, a mobile, and a handheld. It is all huge.

Also, a 150mhz base unit General Electric (crystal type of course). Etc.

etc. etc. If you know of anyone who might want to have a project piece,

to toy with. The price be be so very close to free.—OLD SCHOOL.

Contact Danny at 252-745-5655 or 514-5199,



* Dec 3, PARS FOX HUNT, Saturday, 10:30am-2:15pm, Oriental VFD Station

19 on Straight Rd. For more info and to sign up contact Dick Goodwin,

K4JJW, 252-633-7873 or

* Dec 31, PARS MONTHLY MEETING and Annual Christmas Gift Exchange,

Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village Restaurant, Oriental. For more info,

contact Mike Marsh, K4NLC, 252-636-1257 or



*  Wednesdays,”Pamlico Communications Net”, 7:30 pm local, N4ONC

(Oriental) Repeater, 147.210 + (CTSCC Tone Squelch 88.5).

*  Thursdays, “DownEast/Pamlico Six Meter Net”, 8 pm local, 50.200 MHz,

USB. A non-directed open net to promote operation on the ‘Magic Band’.

(For more nets see )



Our Web Master is Paul Jodoin, K4MMB, 561-308-3456,


73, Jim AI4WL


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