PARSgram 2023-10-30

The old “Swamp Talk” round-table established years ago by Pete Zawasky,
AG7C, may have new life depending on interest. A second round-table will
be held at 7:30 pm local tonight, Monday 10/30/23, on 28.464 MHz plus or
minus based on band conditions, USB. This is an informal forum
originally established to assist our new Hams on a frequency in the 10M
voice segment open to technician licensees. We are gathering info on
local interest/participation to restart the net! Radio
topics/questions/issues welcomed. For compatibility, recommend using
vertical polarization. For more info please contact Cody Vanhook,
KN4RFG, at or at 252-229-4542.

*  Twenty-five members, visitors and guests attended the 9 am Saturday
breakfast meeting chaired by President Mike Marsh, K4NLC, at Brantley’s
Village Restaurant.
*  Awards and upgrades and other worthy news–Show and Tell Time: Dick,
K4JJW, showed the group a QSL card for a contact he had made in 1978
with a ham in Pakistan. He had just made another contact with the same
ham–that’s 45 years later! Bill Olah, KR4LO, passed around his fried
unun courtesy of 500W of RTTY. Charlie O, WA4GSI, passed around a
cigarette pack size Vector Impedance Analyzer. Bill Michne, WM3X, showed
us a new style PL-258 connector that screws on to RG-8 coax. And Bill
Schrader, K2TNO, displayed his custom made QSL cards complete with QR
*  Mike delivered the Treasurer’s report on behalf of Wally.
*  AI4WL’s Propagation Report: After days of moderate activity, the
forecast is for lower solar activity this weekend. NOAA has just put out
a new monthly Cycle 25 forecast. The peak is expected between Jan and
Oct 2024 with Sunspot numbers up to 173. For comparison, today’s SSN is
66. As for DXpeditions, look for Botswana A25RU through Nov 13,
Micronesia V6SX until Oct 31, Tuvalu T2C until Oct 30, and Chatham Isl
ZL7IO until Nov 3.
*  ARES/PCN. There were four nets this month according to Mike.
*  Paul, K4MMB reported no issues with the Web site. It is still
averaging around 160 looks per month. He encouraged members to send
photos or items of interest.
*  The Pamlico Communications Team will meet next Saturday, on the 4th
of November at Station 19. All are welcome to join this group that has
wide ranging technical and operational interests.
*  Bruce K4ONC recognized our own Lor Kutchins, W3QA, who has just been
certified as a AUXcomm COMML (Communications Leader). There are only 30
COMML’s in North Carolina and we now have two in Pamlico County.
*  From the Oriental Repeater Group, Bruce reported some not so good
news. Due to TS Ophelia last month, the hardline feeding the UHF
repeater broke away from the Kershaw tower for about half of its length.
The clips that anchor it to the tower need to be replaced very soon. The
tower owner has been concerned about the old original rubber clips for
some time. Having no license or lease it’s only good-will that allows
the ORG to use the tower. Unless repairs are made quickly, the fear is
that repeaters, antennas and all associated equipment may have to be
removed. For the work that needs to be done immediately and to avoid a
later climb to repair and re-purpose an existing cable for
microwave/internet connectivity with the Arapahoe repeater, the cost
could be as high as $3000, most of it to pay the climber. Around $675
does remain from an earlier grant from PARS and recent equipment sales.
After considerable discussion, Bill Olah KR4LO moved that PARS grant
$2,000 to the Oriental Repeater Group for materials and labor related to
re-attachment of the hardline, repair or replacement of the microwave
cable and associated costs for both. Paul Jodoin K4MMB, seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
*  Cody Vanhook, KN4RFG, reported that seven checked in to the new
weekly 10 Meter last Monday, a good showing for the net only announced
that day. It will continue as interest dictates.
*  Past President Bill Michne, WM3X, as a nominating committee of one,
confirmed that Mike Marsh would not seek re-election as President and on
behalf of the club, thanked Mike for his two years of dedicated service
as President. The slate as presented included:
Bruce Perkins, K4ONC, President,
Wayne Beasley, KO4OJC, Vice President,
Jim Hartmeyer, AI4WL, Secretary and
Gail (Wally) Wallace, KK4ASP, Treasurer
After determining there were no nominations from the floor, the slate
was elected by acclimation.
*  The NEXT PARS MEETING will be on Saturday, NOVEMBER 18th, a week
earlier than normal. Brantley’s will be closed on our regular meeting
day for the Thanksgiving holiday.
*  Hank, KN1ZRD drew the winning number for a Brantleys Gift
Certificate; Eddie, K4NGR won a PARS “license plate”; Buck, AA4SN, a
PARS coaster, and Tripp, KI4KEB, a PARS bumper sticker.
*  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 am
with an equipment auction to follow. Bill Olah again was auctioneer.
Some high value equipment will be listed on-line.

NOAA reports that solar activity was low during the 24 hour period
ending yesterday at 6 p.m. local. The Space Weather Prediction Center
expects solar activity to be low today through Wednesday. There is a
slight chance for M-class flares each day. There are 4 numbered sunspot
regions on the Sun are facing Earth this morning, 4 last Monday, 6 the
Monday before.

Sunday’s noon Solar Flux Index (SFI) observation at Penticton was 135.
Last Sunday’s was 119. The index is predicted to measure 130 today, 132
Tuesday and 134 on Wednesday. The SFI 90 day trailing average was 150
yesterday. It was 154 last Sunday.

The geomagnetic field was reached minor storm levels Sunday. The SWPC
expects the field to be at quiet to minor storm levels today, quiet to
active Tuesday and quiet to unsettled on Wednesday. The planetary
K-index at 5 am this morning was 1.33 indicating quiet conditions.

Today and tomorrow, propagation is expected to be poor on the 80 through
40 meter bands during the day, fair at night.  Only fair conditions
during both day and night are expected for the 30, 20, 17 and 15 meter
bands. Ten and 12 propagation is predicted to be fair to poor. Turn on
your HF radio anyway. Give it a listen.

For an explanation of the numbers used in our PARSgram, see the
excellent article written by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA at

Extracted from ARLD043 DX news:
–BOTSWANA, A2.  A group of operators are QRV as A25RU until November
13.  Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8 with
several stations.
–MICRONESIA, V6.  Members of the Yokohama DX Club are QRV as V6SX
from Weno Island, IOTA OC-011, until October 31. Activity is on 80 to 6
meters, and possibly 160 and 60 meters, using CW, SSB, FT8, and FT4.
–TUVALU, T2.  A group of operators are QRV as T2C from Funafuti,
IOTA OC-015, to Oct 30.  Activity is on 160 to 6 meters with
four stations using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8
–CHATHAM ISLANDS, ZL7.  Jacek, SP5EAQ is QRV as ZL7/SP5EAQ from Petre
Bay on Waitangi Island, IOTA OC-038, until November 3.

Send me your amateur radio related items that are for sale, trade, or
wanted and your contact information. PLEASE let me know when you have
have sold your item or your listing is no longer needed. Listings will
EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS unless I hear otherwise. Thanks, Jim.
–SOLD Icom IC-7300, HF-50Mhz Transceiver with hand Mike, manual, box
and nifty guide. Lightly used as second 7300 radio. Asking $740.
–FOR SALE Vibroplex Brass Racer dual paddle. This is the model on the
triangular wooden base. Magnetic return action instead of springs. Works
great. Has a great feel. Comes with 1/4” plug and cord. Looks fairly
good. Some aging blemishes on the brass parts. Comes with adjustment
instruction sheet. Pictures available. Price is $95 which includes
shipping. Meet me in New Bern and save $15. Contact Jim Scheer, W4NLD,
at or 252-876-3733. (20231023)
–FOR SALE Yaesu FTdx3000d with mic, manual and power cord! $900 obo
Contact Cody VanHook, KN4RFG (252)229-4542 (20231016)
#1 – SOLD. KENWOOD TS-50S HF Transceiver.
#2 – ICOM IC-735 HF Transceiver. Used. Working. Missing the plastic
cover over the slider controls. $225. Contact Jan, KK4LSQ, 252-239-3953
or (20231016)
–SOLD Alinco DX-SR8T 100 watt HF radio with power cable, EMS-64 hand
mic, instruction manual, Nifty manual and original box.  $425
#1 – Palstar AT-Auto tuner $850
#2-  Ameritron RCS-8V remote coax switch (no wall wart) – $125
Contact  Bruce Perkins, K4ONC, 252-626-2730 or (20230807)

Oriental VFD Station 19 on Straight Rd vic. NC-55. All are welcome. For
more info, contact Bruce Perkins, K4ONC, 252-626-2730 or
* Nov 18, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village
Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bruce Perkins, K4ONC,
252-626-2730 or

(See for set-up)
N4ONC (“Above Average”) VHF FM Oriental — Down for repair.
N4ONC (old KR4LO) UHF FM Oriental — Operational. Please ID.
NC4ES VHF FM/DMR Arapahoe — Operational
NC4ES UHF DMR Florence — Operational
WM3X-ONC VHF C4FM/WIRES-X NODE Oriental (145.530 simplex)– Operational

*  Wednesdays,”Pamlico Communications Net”, 7:30 pm local, N4ONC
(Oriental) VHF Repeater, 147.210 + (CTSCC Tone Squelch 88.5). A directed
net open to all. Net activates on call during emergencies.
*  Thursdays, “DownEast/Pamlico Six Meter Net”, 8 pm local, 50.200 MHz,
USB. A non-directed open net to promote operation on the ‘Magic Band’.
(For more nets see )

Our Web Master is Paul Jodoin, K4MMB, 561-308-3456,

73, Jim AI4WL Editor
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