PARSgram 2024-01-01




*  Twenty-one members, visitors and guests attended the 9 am Saturday

breakfast meeting and annual gift exchange chaired by President Bruce

Perkins, K4ONC, at Brantley’s Village Restaurant.

*  Bruce delivered the Treasurer’s report on behalf of Wally. The club

is solvent. She reports that all the remaining funds granted to the

Oriental Repeater Group were expensed. Bruce added that the money was

used to pay for the Kershaw cable reattachment.

*  AI4WL’s Propagation Report: Activity has remained fairly steady since

the November meeting, low activity on average but offering good

propagation particularly on the 17 and 15 meter bands. Those bands, as

well as 10 meters during the day and 20 at night, have delivered the

best DX during the month and likely will continue to do so. Current DX

opportunities: Rodriques Island 3B9AT, East Kiribati T32TT, and St.

Helena XV9.

*  ARES/PCN. Bruce, with a big round of applause, thanked Mike Marsh,

K4NLC, for being the net’s “full-time” controller for the past 5 years.

He reminded the group that starting in January, net controllers will

rotate. Bruce will take January, Jim AI4WL February, Wayne KO4OJC March

and Charlie WA4GSI, April.

*  The Pamlico Communications Team meets monthly on the first Saturday

at Station 19. The next meeting will be on the 6th of January. All are


*  Bruce reported that the Kershaw N4ONC VHF repeater controller repair

should be finished soon. When done, the Arapahoe NC4ES repeater will

operate only in the DMR mode and connected full time to the EHPC area

wide network. It can be quickly reconfigured if the Oriental N4ONC

repeater becomes unavailable.

*  Bill Michne, WM3X, advised that his C4FM node is back on the air. He

had turned it down while on travel.

*  Bill Schrader, K2TNO, related he recently saw his Dad’s call while

using WSJT-FT8. He contacted the current holder. The holder sent Bill a

QSL card sent to him but intended for his Dad. Then Bill, for a quick

show and tell, displayed and described his tiny RadioDitty RF760 pocket


*  Dick, K4JJW, had a similar experience: he had a QSO with W3AYT. W3AYT

was Dick’s old call. He had to give that call up when he moved to a

different call area. It was the rule in the old days. He said was

strange “talking to himself.”

*  As a “warm-up” for the gift exchange, tickets were drawn for the

monthly door prize. Visitor and ham to be, Jeff Cunniff took home the

Brantley’s gift certificate.

*  There being no further business, Bruce then orchestrated the eagerly

awaited gift exchange.  Lots of oohs and aah’s– many very well thought

out gifts. Thank you all!

*  The meeting adjourned at 9:50 am.



– By Bill Schrader K2TNO:


— On Settings for PC running Windows 11 connecting K3 to N1MM+ and WSJT-X:

I have finally taken the time to compile a PowerPoint report on the

correct settings for my K3 [with the KIO3B board] connected to my Lenovo

laptop running Windows 11. I describe settings for use with N1MM+ and

WSJT-X stand-alone programs. I use N1MM+ for general logging and for

contests. I use WSJT-X for FT8. I included lots of screenshots showing

settings… Perhaps this integrated, illustrated guide will be helpful

[to those who use K3’s. Please contact Bill at if

you want a pdf copy]


— On Biosketch of Joseph H. Taylor, Jr. — creator of WSJT:

Perhaps you already knew Joe Taylor had won the Nobel Prize in Physics

[] in 1993. He is

on the Physics faculty at Princeton University.


His Wikipedia section has a part devoted to his ham radio interests


I did not know that he’d been at the Greenbelt WV radio telescope and

also was at the Arecibo PR one as well.


I happened upon a brief biosketch


that he wrote for the Nobel awards book—  interesting.

Especially this quote:

“…In our school years, Hal and I filled most of the third floor with

working ham-radio transmitters and receivers. Our rigs were mostly built

from a mixture of post-war surplus equipment and junk television sets.

We learned by experience that when you need high voltage, the power

company’s 6,000-to-120-volt transformers work admirably in reverse; and

that most amplifiers will oscillate, especially if you don’t want them to.”


— This gem just came across the [Elecraft-K3] users group…

If you’re a collector– this is the one for you! –even posted by N6KR…

———- Forwarded message ———

From: N6KR <>

Date: Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 11:00 PM

Subject: [Elecraft-K3] OT: Elecraft K2 serial #00001 — our very first

production unit — is looking for a new home

To: <>


Season’s greetings from the Left Coast. Hope everyone is having a great



Meanwhile–with apologies for the bandwidth:


K2 S/N 00001 is among the early Elecraft radios I’ve had in cold

storage. Unboxing it brought back fond memories from 1999, the year we

started shipping, back when Elecraft had approximately 2 employees. This

unit saw a few very successful Field Days. It was also my workhorse

during the evolution of the K2’s firmware and option modules. It

includes the KSB2 SSB option.


Last week I sent the radio off to our legacy product tune-up guru, Dave

Van Wallaghen (W8FGU), who has now fully checked it out, tuned it up,

installed most of the missing upgrades, and given it an on-air

shake-down. Given its ancient pedigree, it features the first examples

of some of the hardware mods. (Though I lack mil-spec soldering

certification, I did put a lot of TLC into this rework.)


If you’re looking for a K2 of a certain age, either for a collection or

to put on the air, please contact me directly.








NOAA reports that solar activity was moderate during the 24 hour period

ending yesterday at 4 p.m. local. The Space Weather Prediction Center

expects solar activity to be moderate today through Wednesday. There is

a chance for M-class flares. At 7 am this morning, NOAA advised radio

blackouts reaching the R2 level on the sunlit side of the earth are

likely.  There are 4 numbered sunspot regions on the Sun facing Earth

this morning. There were 8 last Monday, 8 the Monday before.


Sunday’s noon Solar Flux Index (SFI) observation at Penticton was 146.

Last Sunday’s was 155. The index is predicted to measure 145 today, 140

Tuesday and 140 on Wednesday. The SFI 90 day trailing average was 149

yesterday. It was 149 last Sunday.


The geomagnetic field was quiet yesterday. The SWPC expects the field to

be quiet to active today and tomorrow then be quiet on Wednesday. The

planetary K-index at 7 am this morning was 1.67 indicating quiet conditions.


For today and tomorrow, propagation is expected to be fair on the 80

through 40 meter bands during the day, good at night.  Fair conditions

during the day and good at night for the 30 and 20 meter bands are

likely. Propagation is predicted to be good day and night for 17 and 15,

but then only fair day, poor at night for 12 and 10.


For an explanation of the numbers used in our PARSgram, see the

excellent article written by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA at



Extracted from ARLD052 DX news:

–RODRIGUES ISLAND, 3B9.  Luca, IV3JVJ and Ivan, IK3ZAQ are QRV as

3B9AT until January 6, 2024.  Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using

CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via IV3JVJ.

–EAST KIRIBATI, T32.  Members of the Rebel DX Group are QRV as T32TT

from Christmas Island, IOTA OC-024, until January 12.  Activity is

on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, FT8, and FT4.  QSL via OQRS.

–ST. HELENA, ZD7.  Chris, HB9FIY and his wife Agata are QRV as ZD7CA

and ZD7AA, respectively, until January 14, 2024.  Activity is on 40

to 10 meters using SSB and various digital modes.  QSL via EA5GL.



Send me your amateur radio related items that are for sale, trade, or

wanted and your contact information. PLEASE let me know when you have

have sold your item or your listing is no longer needed. Listings will

EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS unless I hear otherwise. Thanks, Jim.


–FOR SALE:  K9AY low band receive antenna for 160-40m,  just in time

for the fall/winter low band DX season. $110.  Price includes a four

direction control box (N-E-S-W), exterior weatherproof direction

switching relay box w/connector, two 85’ wire loop elements (#18

insulated stranded Cu clad), insulators, installation instructions and

schematic diagram.  It requires a single 25’ support such as a pole or

tree limb, and about 18’ radius for the loops.  It’s ready to install,

good condition and fully checked out.  Just add your own RG-59 feedline

and Cat 5 control cable. Dick Goodwin  K4JJW

252-633-7873 (20231113)



#1 – YAESU SWR & POWER METER 1.6-60MHz  YS-60. Working. Exceptional

little unit — needs a better home. $60.00 Pickup in Merritt.

#2 – MFJ Artificial Ground MFJ-931. Works as it should (at least, it did

when I last used it). Dusty & lonely & needs a new home. $90.00 Pickup

in Merritt.

#3 – ICOM IC-735 HF Transceiver. Used. Working. Missing the plastic

cover over the slider controls. $225.

Contact Jan, KK4LSQ, 252-239-3953 or (20231218)




Oriental VFD Station 19 on Straight Rd vic. NC-55. All are welcome. For

more info, contact Bruce Perkins, K4ONC, 252-626-2730 or

* Jan 27, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village

Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Bruce Perkins, K4ONC,

252-626-2730 or



(See for set-up)

N4ONC VHF FM Oriental — Down for repair.

N4ONC (old KR4LO) UHF FM Oriental — Operational. Please ID.

NC4ES VHF FM/DMR Arapahoe — Operational

NC4ES UHF DMR Florence — Operational

WM3X-ONC VHF C4FM/WIRES-X NODE Oriental (145.530 simplex)– Operational



*  Mondays, “Pamlico 10 Meter Net, 7:30 pm local, on or near 28.464 MHz,

USB. A non-directed net open to technicians and above. Radio

topics/questions/issues welcomed.

*  Wednesdays,”Pamlico Communications Net”, 7:30 pm local, N4ONC

(Oriental) VHF Repeater, 147.210+ (CTSCC Tone Squelch 88.5). A directed

net open to all. Net activates on call during emergencies. While N4ONC

VHF is under repair this net meets on the Arapahoe repeater 147.285+

(CTSCC Tone Squelch 88.5).

*  Thursdays, “DownEast/Pamlico Six Meter Net”, 8 pm local, 50.200 MHz,

USB. A non-directed open net to promote operation on the ‘Magic Band’.

(For more nets see )



Our Web Master is Paul Jodoin, K4MMB, 561-308-3456,


We wish you all a very happy and healthy new year.


73, Jim AI4WL Editor


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