PARSgram 2023-05-29


*  Twenty-four PARS members, visitors and guests attended the 9 am

Saturday breakfast meeting chaired by President Mike Marsh, K4NLC, at

Brantley’s Village Restaurant.

*  Awards and Upgrades: The group welcomed Dan Longnecker, a ham-to-be

from Alliance.

*  Show and Tell: Bouvet confirmed! Dick Goodwin, K4JJW, showed off his

confirmation QSL card. He made one of the few North American contacts

with the much shortened DXpedition. Lor Kutchins, W3QA, brought in his

tiny Belica DX-Pro SDR all mode receiver. At his chair inside Brantleys

and with its short whip attached he easily picked up WWV from Ft.

Collins, CO.

*  Mike delivered the Treasurer’s report on behalf of Wally.

*  AI4WL’s Propagation Report:  Although yesterday’s NOAA report was

“low activity”, the Sun produced two bursts that resulted in short HF

blackouts for the sunlit parts of the US. So much for being “low”. The

90 day trailing average Solar Flux index is 153 and scattered M-class

flares will continue. The 6 meter band started to awake last week. A bit

late this year, single and double hop Es contacts into the Midwest were

reported. 6 meter propagation is quiet this a.m. Look for another

opportunity to work the Marshall Islands V7 this coming week. HF

conditions should be fair to good in the coming days.

*  With the season soon to arrive, the National Hurricane Center is

conducting its annual test today. WinLink messages are encouraged in

addition to contacts on its two frequencies, 7.268 and 14.325 MHz.

*  On behalf of Paul, Jim reported the N4PRS 30 day web site activity

remains steady with 149 visitors making a total of 323 visits. Most

visitors are from the US, followed by China, then the Russian

Federation…. hummm.  Check out the updated N4PRS QRZ Web Page. It’s a

photo story of our club and its doings.

*  ARES/Pamlico Communications Net: Given the Wednesday night nets are

practices for emergencies and normal net control operators may not be

available in an emergency, those that have been “regulars” will soon be

given the opportunity to call the net. The WinLink check-in practice

will be expanded. Lor offered that his WinLink training course could be

modified to fit our needs. More to come as details are worked.

*  As for nets, Cody, KN4RFG, has offered to bring back a 10 Meter net.

Like our previous net, this one will focus on easing our new hams into

the world of HF. There seemed to be considerable interest.

*  Bruce, K4ONC, advised that the Pamlico Communications Team will next

meet in July on a date to be determined. [The scope of the PCT is being

broadened to reflect the more technical and varied interests of the


*  Repeater update: Lor reported that work on the Kershaw repeater is

about done and the repeater should be back up shortly. Crackling noise

on the Arlington repeater has become a continuing irritant and more

recently, a “chugging” noise. It is believed some of the problem is in

the antenna and grounding systems combined with co-site interference.

Trouble shooting is in the offing.

*  Fox Hunt: Due to this weekend’s nor-easter, the Fox Hunt was

postponed. It will now follow next month’s PARS meeting. A single leg is

planned with a staggered start. It begins around 1100 and ends 2 hours

later. Lunch will follow. Prizes will include a dual band antenna, a MFJ

dual time clock and Brantleys gift certificate. Contact Dick [address at

calendar below] to participate.

*  Tommy Banks’ family has donated Tommy’s equipment for the benefit of

our Pamlico Radio Society. All of his station except his erected

antennas was collected by Bill, KR4LO, and Bruce, K4ONC, last week.

Appearing to be in excellent condition and complete, some pieces were

quickly tested and made available at the meeting at auction. Included

were 3 mobile VHF radios, two power supplies, and a number of books.

From the auction conducted by Bill, the club added $276 to its account.

Look for some high value items to be made available at future meetings

including an IC-756Pro3, Palstar limit Auto Tuner, AC-1500 amplifier and


*  Cody, drew the winning number for a Brantleys Gift Certificate; Tripp

Beasley, KI4KEB, took home a “PARS Coaster” crafted by Rick, NN2S.

*  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 am.


ARRL MEMBER DUES SURVEY — Last Chance, Three Days Left

Our ARRL members are urged to participate in the Dues Survey which is

running until May 31. Your input is important. Responses will help guide

the future of ARRL. Revenue options and necessary By-Law changes are

expected to be discussed at the July 2023 ARRL Board meeting. To

participate, go to and sign in. Then follow the “Dues

Survey” instructions posted near the top of the ARRL webpage.



NOAA reports that solar activity was low during the 24 hour period

ending Sunday at 5 p.m. local. There are 7 numbered sunspot regions on

the Sun facing Earth. There were 8 last Monday, 7 the Monday before. The

Prediction Center expects solar activity to be moderate Monday through

Wednesday. There is a 10% chance for X-class and 55% chance for M-class

flares each day.


Sunday’s noon Solar Flux Index (SFI) observation at Penticton was 157.

Last Sunday’s was 153. The index is predicted to measure 155 Monday, 155

Tuesday and 145 on Wednesday. The SFI 90 day trailing average was 153

yesterday. It was 153 last Sunday.


The geomagnetic field was quiet Sunday. Conditions are expected to be

quiet Monday, quiet to active Tuesday, and then quiet to unsettled on



In the near term, HF conditions are expected to range from poor to good

on 80 through 15 during the day, good at night. The best conditions

during the day and night are likely to be found on the 17 and 15 meter

bands. Twelve and 10 meters should be good during the day, poor at

night. Six meters is starting get active. dxmaps is showing lots of US

Es as I draft this at 1740 local Sunday.


For an explanation of the numbers used in our PARSgram, see the

excellent article written by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA at



Extracted from ARLD021 DX news:

–MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7.  Bob, N7XR is QRV as V7/N7XR from Kwajalein,

IOTA OC-028, and is QRV until the end of June.  Activity is in his

spare time on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8.  QSL via


–MYANMAR, XZ.  Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until the end

of September.  Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using CW.




Send me your amateur radio related items that are for sale, trade, or

wanted and your contact information. PLEASE let me know when you have

have sold your item or your listing is no longer needed. Listings will

EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS unless I hear otherwise.–Jim.



— d104 lollipop type-9volt-side key mic, found while exploring boxes of

equipment in my storage room, tested it, it works!…missing a screw or

two. $75.

— Icom IC 2300h 65w 2 meter mobile is out of production. It will be

replaced with IC 3500h with enhanced feature and price (+$50). Very few

2300s left. Contact Danny Lupton at (20230515)


FOR SALE:  Two complete restored vintage stations. Plug and play, ready

to go as illustrated on K4JJW’s page.  It’s not getting enough

use and I’m selling everything as a single package at a very reasonable

$1400 price, way under going market prices. About 25 separate pieces of

gear, all cables, manuals, spare tubes, restoration notes, operating

desk. Everything operates as it should. Major gear…Johnson Ranger,

EICO-720, Drake 2B, ICOM R71A, Digital VFO, Timewave DSP, SDR/Uno SDR

receiver,  About 15 additional accessory items, too much to list here.

Contact Dick Goodwin K4JJW at or 252-633-7873

for a complete description and list via email. (20230417)



* Jun 24, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village

Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Mike Marsh, K4NLC,

252-636-1257 or

* Jun 24, PARS FOX HUNT, Saturday, 11am, Oriental VFD Station 19 on

Straight Rd. For more info and to sign up, contact Dick Goodwin, K4JJW,


* July-date to be determined, PAMLICO COMMUNICATIONS TEAM MEETING,

Saturday, 9-10:30am, Oriental VFD Station 19 on Straight Rd vic. NC-55.

All are welcome. For more info, contact Bruce Perkins, K4ONC,

252-626-2730 or

* Jul 29, PARS MONTHLY MEETING, Saturday, 9am, Brantley’s Village

Restaurant, Oriental. For more info, contact Mike Marsh, K4NLC,

252-636-1257 or



(See for set-up)

N4ONC VHF FM Oriental — Down for maint/upgrade.

KR4LO UHF FM Oriental — Operational

NC4ES VHF FM/DMR Arapahoe — Operational

NC4ES UHF DMR Florence — Operational

WM3X-ONC VHF WIRES-X NODE Oriental — Operational



*  Wednesdays,”Pamlico Communications Net”, 7:30 pm local, N4ONC

(Oriental) Repeater, 147.210 + (CTSCC Tone Squelch 88.5).

*  Thursdays, “DownEast/Pamlico Six Meter Net”, 8 pm local, 50.200 MHz,

USB. A non-directed open net to promote operation on the ‘Magic Band’.

(For more nets see )



Our Web Master is Paul Jodoin, K4MMB, 561-308-3456,


On this and every Memorial Day we honor the sacrifices of fallen service

men and women who put their lives on the line for our nation. Please

take a pause in your day to remember those who gave everything for us.


73, Jim AI4WL


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